Thursday, July 28, 2016

Carole A. Feuerman on INSIDER

On Tuesday, July 26th, the Facebook sensation, INSIDER art posted a video featuring Carole A. Feuerman's hyperrealist sculptures.
In less that 3 days the INSIDER's video about Carole's work has gotten over 1.4 million views!

INSIDER, an online publication covering the latest trends in food, style, travel and culture, has achieved great fame on facebook in the past year. Now, it seems impossible to log onto facebook without coming across at least one of their posts. INSIDER is perhaps best known for its viral 60 seconds videos that cover anything from macaroon ice cream sandwiches in Bangkok to mind-blowing rope bridges in Costa Rica.
Here at Carole A. Feuerman Studios we are particularly excited about this NYC dessert covered by Insider:

However, it seems that our fans at INSIDER have left us no bread crumbs! Carole was not contacted by INSIDER, which makes this video a complete surprise to everyone here at Carole A. Feuerman Studios.
Thank you to the staff at INSIDER for recognizing Carole's work. We're not sure who you are, but if you're reading this, please feel free to say hello!
Share the video on Facebook HERE

Post by Dana Citrin

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